Your input, the environment that your business works in, feedback from customers and employees, . . . . . , these help condition the services we will suggest to you.  We will come up with a package of custom recommendations that is right for you and your business. 

Roles and responsibilities are important factors to consider when planning changes.


In general, the activities we perform are divided into four main areas.

Further, each of these areas has a time and relationship dimension that reflects the scope of effort required and benefits to be realized.  

  • SHORT-TERM EXPEDIENTS AND PROBLEM SOLVING.  A series of small, low-cost enhancements or corrective actions that do not involve a major redesign.  Changes provide quick fixes or added capabilities without a heavy investment in time and resources.  In part, this band-aid approach treats symptoms without dealing with root causes to expedite corrective action until longer term solutions are practical.

  • LONGER TERM PROCESS REDESIGN, FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE.  Short-term enhancements only work so far.  At some point, without waiting too long, it makes sense to conduct a redesign that incorporates all the short-term fixes in a more efficient configuration and addresses root causes rather than symptoms.  Usually this is done at a time when major, new features need to be incorporated.  Careful thought and preparation are required to assure satisfactory return on investment.  Although more costly and time-consuming, the longer term approach will provide a more efficient result by reorganizing and integrating all the layers of interim enhancements. 

  • OUTSOURCING - An on-going relationship where we provide a service that is related to or part of your normal operations.  Every business needs to perform a wide variety of functions.  Who performs them, whether internally or externally, depends on a number of factors including the availability of trained personnel.  We offer a number of services, some advisory, others operational in nature that supplement internal capabilities.  For example, we host and maintain databases, administer Websites, conduct research, and prepare reports and sales and marketing collateral materials.  Some services that are integral with other consulting efforts are unbundled and offered separately, e.g., the collection of customer satisfaction information.  We encourage clients to offload tasks that are not mainstream, detract from their normal business activities, or are not included in the scope and charter of their business.  We have resources to do them more effectively and efficiently, saving money in the process.

Our approach is advisory, solving problems, making incremental improvements that collectively make a significant difference in a business's success.  We prefer dividing projects into phases that allow benefits to accrue on a regular basis with fewer surprises and better control over project costs.

Rockwood Management Services
170 Aster Court

Whitehouse Station, New Jersey 08889-2032 U.S.A.
001-908-823-4926 Phone

info @ rockwood.com

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